Oscommerce error

De la EuroDomenii - Domenii .Eu .Ro Registrator Acreditat

Salt la: navigare, căutare

In osCommerce primesc eroarea register_globals is disabled
Incerc sa instalez osCommerce si am primit eroarea FATAL ERROR: register_globals is disabled in php.ini, please enable it!

Pentru remedierea acestei erori editati fisierul .htaccess (sau creati un fisier nou denumit .htaccess) din /public_html/ si adaugati urmatoarele linii:
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_value session.use_trans_sid 0
php_value register_globals 1

Salut! Am o problema in leg cu instalarea unui script OsCommerce, am citit documentatia de pe siteul lor in leg cu instalarea dar totusi am o problema, si anume:

Database Import
A test connection made to the database was NOT successful.
The error message returned is:
Access denied for user 'onshop_onshop'@'localhost' to database 'onshop_onshop'
Please click on the Back button below to review your database server settings.
If you require help with your database server settings, please consult your hosting company.

Sunt doua alternative:

  1. Stergi index.htm sau index.html (depinde care il ai) si lasi doar index.php
  2. In .htaccess adaugi urmatoarea linie: DirectoryIndex index.php index.htm index.htmlSursa
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